Wednesday, January 07, 2004

My blog has a new house.

Wanted: Sanity and a Larger Monitor

Everything's moved over, comments included. Which took a jolly long time, by the way. But it's all worth it. I am very happy.


Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I so rock. Here's to being rid of Blogger and Enetation very soon now.

*runs off to export Blogger junk*

Saturday, January 03, 2004

I did something strange yesterday.

I bought a bunch of clothes.

See, whenever I'm home for break, my mom takes all us older girls out shopping. And by shopping I mean 'spending hours browsing through consignment shops and the giant Goodwill store in Waterloo'. This break was only different in that we had my roommate along with us. And so, I ended up with a lot of new clothes, most of which are somewhat dressy things I could wear to interviews and such. As opposed to the jeans and a shirt I normally wear. So now I have a whole week's worth of clothes I never dreamed I would ever wear, say, two years ago. It's quite shocking.

Oh, well. I suppose I'll use them someday. Although I have this nasty feeling that Heather'll try to get me into them more often than I care to think about.

I'm scared. I think I'm growing up and getting all responsible.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Oh, yeah. Happy New Year, you all. Don't kill yourselves, or do anything stupid like hanging yourselves by your toes from the top rafter of a barn, while waiting for spaceships to land.

See, they already landed at my house.